If you believe that your insurance company has acted in bad faith, you need to take immediate action to obtain legal counsel so that you can have an aggressive advocate fighting for your rights. Insurance companies are not in the business of paying out claims and they do not have your best interests in mind. If your insurance company can figure out a way to get around having to pay out a large settlement or avoid having to incur extensive legal fees to defend you against a lawsuit, they will. When you hire a personal injury lawyer from Morris, Andrews, Talmadge & Driggers, LLC you can trust that we will do everything we can to help.
Our lawyers have more than 130 years combined legal experience, as well as a long and proven track record of success that includes winning one of the state’s largest jury verdicts, a $21,000,000 award, on behalf of one of our clients. We deal with insurance companies in almost every single personal injury case that we represent, so we are well-aware of the unethical tactics insurance providers may use to try and avoid adhering to the terms of an insurance policy or pay out on a valid claim.
Denying a valid claim, withholding payment on insurance benefits, failing to thoroughly investigate an accident or injury, refusing to defend a policyholder who is being sued by another party, delaying a claim, and making settlement offers far below what an insured’s policy coverage allows are all examples of insurance bad faith practices. To increase your chance of being able to prove that your insurance company has acted in bad faith, you are going to need an experienced lawyer on your side. Contact a Montgomery personal injury lawyer at our firm now so that we can look into your insurance company’s alleged bad faith actions.